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Fear of AllahAlong with the remarkable spirit of sacrifice, the Sahabah had true and deep-rooted fear of Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) in their hearts. I wish today's Muslims could have a little of that fear of Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala). Here are a few stories about this aspect of their lives.
1. The Action of Rasoolullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam ) at the Time of a Storm.Aisha (RadiAllahu Anha) relates that whenever a strong wind bringing dense clouds started blowing the Prophet's (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) face turned pale with the fear of Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala). He became restless and would go in and out with worry and would recite the following Dua:
She says:
Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) was obviously referring to the following Aayah of the Quran:
Look at the fear of Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) in the heart of a person who is the best of all creation (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam). In spite of a clear Aayah in the Quran that Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) would not punish the people so long as Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) was with them (al-Araaf 33), he has so much fear of Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) that a strong wind reminds him of the punishment awarded to the people in the past. Now let us peep into our own hearts for a moment. Although we are fully drowned in sins, yet none of the unusual phenomena such as earthquakes and lightning arouse the least fear of Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) in our hearts and instead of resorting to asking for Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala)'s forgiveness or Salah at such time, we only indulge in so called investigations. 2. What Anas Used to do When a Storm Approached.Hadhrat Nadhr bin AbduAllah relates:
Hadhrat Abu Darda (May Allah be pleased with him) relates:
Who thinks about going to the Mosque, nowadays, even at the time of the worst of calamities? Leave aside the common people, even those who regard themselves as good and practicing Muslims do not practice this Sunnah. What a deterioration! 3. The action of Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) at the Time of Solar Eclipse.The Sun once was in eclipse in the Prophet's (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) time. The Sahabah left their jobs. Even the young boys, practicing archery, hastened towards the Mosque to know what the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) would do at that time. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) started Salaat of two rakaat, which were so long that some people fainted and fell down. He wept in his Salaat and said, "Oh, My Lord! Thou has said that Thou would not punish them as long as I am with them and so long as they seek Thy forgiveness." This refers to a verse in the Quran wherein Allah says:
He then addressed the people saying:
4. The Prophet's(Sallallahu alaihe Wasallam) weeping the whole night.The Prophet (Sallallahu alaihe Wasallam) once kept weeping the whole night through, repeating again and again the following verse:
It is said about Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullah alaih) that he also once wept the whole night, reciting the following verse of the Quran in Tahajjud:
This verse means that on the Day of Judgment, the guilty will be asked to separate themselves from the good, and will not be allowed to mix with them as they were doing in the worldly life. Why should not the people with fear of Allah in their hearts weep in anxiety regarding which class they will belong to on that Day? 5. Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho Anho) and The Fear of Allah.According to our belief, Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho Anho) is the most exalted person after the Prophets (may peace be on all of them). The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) himself conveyed to him the glad tidings of his being the head of a group of persons in Paradise. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) once remarked, "Abu Bakr's name shall be called out from all the gates of Paradise, and he will be the first of my followers to enter it." With all these virtues and privileges, Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho Anho) used to say, "I wish I were a tree that would be cut and done away with." Sometimes he would say, "I wish I were a blade of grass, whose life ended with the grazing by some beast." He also said, "I wish I were a hair on the body of a believer." Once he went to a garden, where he saw a bird singing. He sighed deeply and said, "Oh, bird! How lucky you are! You eat, you drink and fly under the shade of the trees, and you fear no reckoning of the Day of Judgment. I wish I were just like you." Hadhrat Rabiah Aslami (Radhiyallaho Anho) narrates:
Look at the fear of Allah in Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallahu Anho)! He is so anxious to clear his accounts in this world that no sooner has a slightly unpleasant word been addressed by him to a person, then he regrets it and requests him to say that word back to him in retaliation. He is so particular in this that he threatens to have the retaliation done through the intervention of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihe Wasallam). We are in the habit of saying offensive words to others, but we fear neither the retaliation nor the reckoning in the Hereafter. |
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