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Sympathy And Self SacrificeThe Sahabah, as a class, were an embodiment of righteousness. They attained a standard that is rather difficult to emulate in a modern society. We would be fortunate if we really attain even a partial resemblance to their character. Some of their qualities are peculiarly their own, and self sacrifice is one of these. Allah has made a mention of this in the Holy Quran in these words. 1. Feeding the guest in darkness.A Sahabi came to the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) and complained of hunger and distress. Just then, the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) had nothing in hand, or in his home to feed him. He asked the Sahabah, "Would anybody entertain him as a guest tonight on my behalf?" One of the Ansaar said, "Oh Prophet of Allah, I will do that." The Ansari took the person to his house and instructed his wife, "Look here, this man is a guest of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam). We will entertain him as best as we can, and won't spare anything in doing so." The wife replied, "By Allah! I have got no food in the house, except a very little, something just enough for the children." The Ansari said, "You lull the children to sleep without feeding them, while I sit with the guest over the meager meal. When we start eating, put out the lamp pretending to set it right, so that the guest may not become aware of my not sharing the meal with him." The scheme worked out nicely, and the whole family, including the children, stayed hungry to enable the guest to eat to his fill. It was over this incident that Allah revealed the verse:
There are quite a number of similar incidents about the Sahabah. 2. Feeding a fasting Sahabi.One of the Sahabah was keeping fast after fast, as he could not get anything to eat. Hadhrat Thabit (Radhiyallaho Anho) came to know of this. He told his wife, "I shall bring a guest tonight. When we sit at the meal, put out the lamp, pretending to set it right, and you are not to eat anything until the guest has taken his fill." The scheme worked out as in the last story. The husband and wife sat with the guest and the simple soul never suspected in the least that neither of them had partaken at all of the food, though their hands and jaws seemed to be moving all right. When Hadhrat Thabit (Radhiyallaho Anho) repaired to the Prophet's (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) presence next morning, he was greeted with the happy news, "Oh Thabit! Allah has very much appreciated your entertainment of the guest last night." 3. Overpayment of Zakaat.Hadhrat Ubay bin Kaab (Radhiyallaho Anho) says:
Look, with what magnanimity of heart the Sahabah parted with their best things for the sake of Allah. On the other hand, we too claim to be the true followers of Islam, and ardent devotees of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) but, leaving apart the bestowing of alms in general to the poor and the needy, we are most reluctant to pay the actual obligatory dues. Zakaat, as a pillar of Islam, is not even known to our upper classes. Of the middle classes, only the religiously conscious strata keep up a form of paying Zakaat, in as much as even the expenditure incurred on their own relatives and acquaintances, and all other charitable donations squeezed out of them by the force of circumstances and face-savings are debited to this account. 4. Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallahu Anho) trying to emulate Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallahu Anho).Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho Anho) narrates:
Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho Anho) says that on that day he admitted to himself that he could never hope to surpass Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho Anho). Allah says in his Holy Book, "Vie one with another in good works." (V:48). Such healthy emulation in sacrifice is therefore quite desirable and welcome. This incident happened at the time of Tabuk, when the Sahabah in response to the Prophet's (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) appeal for help contributed beyond their means. This has already been mentioned in Chapter 3. May Allah grant them best rewards on behalf of all the Muslims.
5. Sahabah expiring thirsty for others.Hadhrat Abu Jahm bin Huzaifah (Radhiyallaho Anho) narrates:
Many an incident of such self denial and heroic sacrifice is recorded in the books of Hadith. This is the last word in self sacrifice, that each expiring person should forego slaking his own thirst in favor of his other needy brother. May Allah bless their souls with His choicest favors for their sacrifice for others even at the time of expiring, when a person has seldom the sense to make a choice. 6. Hadhrat Hamzah's (Radhiyallaho Anho) shroud.The Prophet's (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) dear uncle, and one of his earliest supporters, Hadhrat Hamzah (Radhiallaho Anho) fell in Uhud, and the ruthless enemy brutally cut off his nose, ears and vitals. He was ripped open, and his heart, lungs and liver were torn out. The whole body was thoroughly mutilated. While the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) was making arrangements for the burial of the dead, he caught sight of Hadhrat Hamzah's (Radhiyallaho Anho) body, and was shocked to find it in that condition. He covered the body with a sheet of cloth. Presently, Hadhrat Hamzah's (Radhiyallaho Anho) sister Safiyyah (Radhiyallaho Anha) also came to see her martyred brother for the last time. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) feared that the sight might be too much for her to bear. He bade her son Hadhrat Zubair (Radhiyallaho Anho) to dissuade her from seeing the body. She however replied, "Yes, I have heard that the wretches have mutilated my dear brother's body. It is in the way of Allah, and we should be resigned to it. I will bear all this patiently, and may Allah in His Grace have mercy on us all." Hadhrat Zubair (Radhiyallaho Anho) informed the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) of his mother's resolve, and he gave his assent to her seeing the body. When she beheld what they had done to it, she simply exclaimed, "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raajioon (We belong to Allah, and to Him we return)", and offered a prayer for his soul. In another Hadith, Hadhrat Zubair (Radhiyallaho Anho) himself narrates the incident. He says:
This is how the body of Hadhrat Hamzah (Radhiyallaho Anho), the dear uncle of him (Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam) who wore the crown of perfection, was buried. Look at the spirit of the Sahabah, who could not tolerate Hadhrat Hamzah (Radhiyallaho Anho) being enshrouded in two sheets and another Muslim brother remaining without a shroud at all. Again, although Hadhrat Hamzah (Radhiyallaho Anho) deserved preferential treatment due to his exalted position, his body was covered with a smaller sheet that had fallen to his lot. Can there be a better example of sympathy, equality and self sacrifice? Is it not shameful on our part that we, who call ourselves the followers of these illustrious people, do not possess any of these qualities?
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